
The company Info progres was founded in 2005. It provides integrated IT services and solutions according to the customers needs and demands. In the first years of operation, Infoprogres has rendered services primarily in the form of IT support to clients, while today it is oriented to the provision of telecommunications services based on new technologies.

Our experts have developed a full range of services which use free internet for the transmission of information and thus they facilitate huge savings on national and international telecommunication traffic.

Services for private and business users voipbonONE, voipbonOFFICE (telephony, Fax, SMS) and services for demanding business users callshop, callcenter and other satisfied a large number of users that increases each day.

The company consists of the development department, customer support and sales services, in Zagreb and Pula branch office. An extensive network of partner companies, authorized agents of VoIPBON services, provides technical assistance at any time.


Video how-to
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Starting a Call Centar?
Dear Sir or Madam, Hereby, we would like to draw attention to the news in the VoipBON Service offer and to arrange [...]

Call Center in the cloud!
Starting now, the Call Center service is included in VoIPBON offer. For using the service you pay a monthly fee, [...]